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For the very best in E-governance

Every government should keep up with the path-breaking innovations in the field of information and technology to transform the living standards of its citizens and be counted among the developed nations of the world.  While it is very significant to note that as every leap in the field of technology gathers momentum, it also creates infinite opportunities for the Government to overcome its limitations and develop solutions for better governance.

Infotech Age favors the specific use of IT solutions to tackle the pressing problems facing the Government.  We promote E-governance techniques to help the Government overhaul its existing machinery and refine its working and processes.  Our solutions ensure that every level of the Government machinery derives the maximum benefits of technology and are transparent and accountable to the citizens. 

Our solutions for the Government deals with the following:

Federal Government

  • Security solutions for defense and military
  • Data and information portal for the Judiciary
  • Insurance solutions for the Government workforce
  • Coordinating and optimizing solutions for the postal system
  • Accurate and easy tabulation solutions for census
  • E-commerce and trade solutions
  • E-banking and E-finance solutions
  • Budgeting solutions for the finance ministry

Provincial Government

  • Application solutions for faster and efficient justice
  • E-records management for systematic administration of justice
  • E-health solutions for better healthcare options
  • E-learning solutions to provide  superior education
  • Solutions for efficient use of limited natural resources
  • Accounting solutions for accurate bookkeeping

Municipal or Local Government

  • Solutions for an efficient transport system
  • Management and maintenance solutions for water and land resources
  • Infrastructure solutions for better development
  • Power and energy solutions
  • Travel and tourism solutions
  • HR solutions for effective administration
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