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Electronic Patient Charts System

Patient History at the click of a button

Searching for medical history of patients has never been this easy before.  All the previous records, medications, prescriptions and all crucial and essential information about the patients can be recalled in an instant. For hassle-free patient records system, switch over to our Electronic Patient Charts System.

Our System gives you the added benefit of  links to vital information about diseases, advise on treatments, causes of diseases and covers the entire scope of medicine. It is reasonably priced too, which makes it quite affordable, even for newly started practitioners.


Medical Billing & Financial Management

Your financial status report in a jiffy

Access all your financial statements whenever you want to.  Bills are prepared automatically on the basis of the Electronic Patient Chart or other data feeds. Simple billing methods for patients is a convenient feature of the system. All receivables, outgoings and other expenses can be monitored easily.  Insurance charges can be paid either automatically or manually.

Being user friendly and easy to operate, this system is very popular with our clients.  Keeping track of your finances is now easier than you can imagine.


Appointment Scheduling & Patient Tracking

Scheduling of appointments made easy

Time is the essence of management.  Clashing of appointment times and schedules can lead to unnecessary delays and chaos.  Our Appointment Scheduling and Patient Tracking system is designed to  save you time and optimize your schedules. 

Our system keeps track of a patient right from the time of his arrival to his departure.  Since the system keeps track of all schedules and appointments, recording of new appointments and relating them to past and future appointments is very simple.

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