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INFOTECH AGE | Online Privacy Policy
Infotech Age acknowledges the value of your information and the importance of its security while it is with us.  This Privacy Policy is primarily to assure you about the use of your information and the steps we have in place to secure it. We want you to browse our website with a sense of full protection of your privacy.

Sources of your information

Whenever you access our website to place an order or to request for information on products, we require you to provide personal information like first name, last name, address, telephone no., e-mail address, occupation, etc.  It is entirely your decision as to whether to give us the information or not.  When you do so, such data will be governed by the terms of this Privacy Policy.

Other than such direct submission of information, we also collect information through “cookies”.  Cookies give us an idea of the pages you have visited on our website, the time spent on each page,  etc.  this provides us with vital  facts regarding our website and how to make it more user friendly.  In case you are uneasy about “cookies”, you have the option of refusing to allow cookies by disabling them in your browser preferences.

Usage of your information

Information provided to us is foremost used to carry out your orders, supplying you with our products and answering your queries.  It may also be used to send you brochures on latest launched products, directly marketed products, special offers and market research enquiries.

Sharing of Personal Information with third parties

Your personal information will never be released to third parties by us, except under the following circumstances :

  • if you have given Infotech Age the permission to do so;
  • if Infotech Age believes that the law requires such information in good faith;
  • to protect the rights and properties of Infotech Age.

Disclosure of Personal Information

Your Personal Information can be made available at all our offices around the world, since we are a global company.  If any information is  collected for a particular reason, like enabling you to avail of the offer of our business partner, etc., it  will be done so by giving due notice at the point of collection. 

Security of Data Submitted

We have taken adequate steps to ensure that data collected from you  is securely maintained and restricted from any non-permitted use and access.  All practical technological solutions have been put into place to ensure maximum security.

Updating the Privacy Policy

Infotech Age reserves the right to make any changes to this Privacy Policy whenever it is in need of upgradation.  Hence, users are requested to check the Privacy policy for any updates regularly.
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Use of this website signifies your agreement to the Online Privacy Policy (updated 07-12-2006).