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System Integration Services

The System Integration services at Infotech Age assimilate and co-ordinate business processes, application systems and IT enabled services to put into place a well refined unit of operation.  We take up the complex business challenges of the organization and suggest measures to counter them and bring in high performance and profitability.  Systems integration is but a link joining all the applications and systems in the organization, so as to streamline the working of the enterprise as a whole.

Our System Integration services consist of:

  1. Management of various processes and programs in the organization.
  2. Designing of architecture to integrate systems and their management.
  3. Consultation services with regard to technical aids to system integration.
  4. Execution of the recommended integration processes and training of personnel for the same.
  5. Assessment of the integration at every level and corrections of defects if any.

Why choose Infotech Age?

  • Our reputation at delivering innovative and customized solutions that guarantee to enhance your business value and growth.
  • Global services provider, having a strong presence in major countries of the world.
  • We are in tune with the growing uncertainities of markets, changing regulations and peculiarities distinct to different areas of the world.

Summary of Major Projects Executed:

  1. Partnered with a major fleet management organization to reorganize their business in harmony with their IT system by integrating different technological systems into a single unit and effective management techniques.
  2. Collaborated with a leading healthcare provider to revamp its architecture to integrate the various systems within it and co-ordinate its working with feasible healthcare appliances.
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