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INFOTECH AGE >>Offering | Architecture Services
Architecture Services

Infotech Age offers a comprehensive architectural  scrutiny and evaluation of your existing IT applications.  We place definite emphasis on assessing the profitability, accessibility, usability and amalgamation of the various IT applications of your enterprise.

Infotech Age provides suitable parameters to judge the profitability of the enterprise, integration of the various processes to edge out non-performing procedures and helps in simplifying and re-structuring applications to strengthen the administrative and operational strategy of the company.

Our architectural services cover:

  • Evaluation of the existing architecture in the company
  • Devise a new architectural tool with a definite IT framework and assist in adopting it.
  • Charting out the model for the new architecture, defining roles and responsibilities, processes, etc and implementing it.
  • Aligning the IT services to tune in to the goals and profitability of the business.
  • Detailed appraisal of the architectural framework by determining its uses, operational feasibility, variability and profit accountability.
  • Developing an end-to-end architecture solution in response to the architectural appraisal undertaken.

Why choose Infotech Age?

  • Our experience and skills in effective IT deployment.
  • Our testing and reorganizing systems surpass the industry standards.
  • A global leader in successfully merging IT services with business.
  • Our clients regularly out-perform their competitors to emerge at the top of the industry.

Summary of Major Projects Executed:

  • A major transformation was brought about in a retail chain by initiating better IT –business alignment and restructuring of the existing architecture to create better vision and attainment of goals.
  • A global leader in death care services was provided with solutions to trim expenses, develop alternate businesses, determine IT feasibility to achieve projected goals.
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